Universities in Kenya Offering Software Engineering Course

Universities offering software engineering

Are you looking for the best university offering Software Engineering in Kenya? Best Universities in Kenya Offering Software Engineering Course at diploma, undergraduate, and postgraduate levels. Because of the ongoing digital evolution in Kenya, the demand for software engineers is at an all-time high. Simply Put, software engineering can be a very good career- not … Read more

10 Key Differences Between Computer Science and Software Engineering

cs and se learnerscoach

Computer science and software engineering may share some overlapping commonalities, however, the principles behind each field of study can offer several differences. One is that computer science deals with the science behind the interaction between hardware and software systems and computational applications, whereas software engineering typically deals with the engineering principles of building, designing and … Read more

Which is the best option? Computer Science or Software Engineering

Compsci versus softengineering learners

Two of the common questions my students ask me most of the time are: “What’s the difference between Computer Science and Software Engineering degree?” and ” which option should I choose between the two” In this article, I’ll share my opinion and give you my own quick analysis on these degrees A quick glance of … Read more

10 Steps to Become a Software Engineer

software engineer fimage

10 Steps to Become a Software Engineer/Developer Software engineering is a process of analyzing user requirements and then designing, building, and testing software application which will satisfy those requirements. Software engineering is an ever-changing profession. Therefore, one should adopt as new technologies are developed. As it has shifting nature, there are many different entry points … Read more

Software Project Management Course

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This free online diploma in software project management course provides a comprehensive guide on how individuals and organizations can manage their software projects. Learn about the types of software projects and life cycle models in project management. You will learn about organizational/team structure, risk management, as well as project monitoring and control. How To Become … Read more