Medical Bridging Certificate Courses in Kenya

Bridging course is a short course that is designed to help high school student(s) pursue to re-sit the subject(s) they failed in KCSE exams. Medical Bridging Certificate Courses in Kenya are meant to improve KCSE subject grade(s) in order to meet the minimum college or varsity entry requirement for a course of his/her choice.

Bridging courses provide a way for students to qualify for specific study programmes and work towards their ideal career.
Bridging program is open to any student who did his/her KCSE not more than three years ago from the current year.

Medical Bridging Certificate Courses in Kenya

Every medical course offered at KMTC requires a minimum of four KCSE subjects. Depending on the level of training, you must have specific points in each subject and meet the minimum mean grade to apply.

For example, you need a mean grade of C (plain) at KCSE to pursue a Diploma course at KMTC and pass in English, Kiswahili, Biology, Biological Sciences, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Physical Sciences.

But what do you do if you fail in one of the subjects?

KMTC offers five levels of training or five types of courses. The institution admits students that want to pursue a certificate, diploma, higher diploma, short courses, and upgrading courses.

However, you must have attained a minimum of C, with specific qualifications in cluster subjects in KCSE, to apply for a certificate programme.

How much does it cost to bridge a subject?

The cost to bridge a subject depends on the institution. For example, Chuka University charges students Ksh 15,000 to bridge one subject. Also, the University of Eldoret charges a tuition fee of Ksh 17,500 to bridge one subject.

Similarly, the Multi-Media University of Kenya charges Ksh 29,000 to bridge one subject. Therefore, students should expect to pay at least Ksh 15,000 to bridge a subject.

What KCSE mean grade do you need to bridge a course?

You can bridge Physics, English, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Biology if you have failed at KCSE. However, you need a minimum of D (plain) in the failed subject and a KCSE mean grade of C+ if bridging for a degree, C- (minus) at KCSE if bridging for a Diploma, and D (plain) at KCSE if bridging for a certificate course.

Does KMTC offer bridging courses?

In the past, students who still needed to get a minimal qualification in cluster subjects might enroll in bridging courses offered by KMTC. Bridging courses are not offered by KMTC at this time.

As a result, a student who wants to apply for bridging courses in medicine will need to complete their certificate at a separate university.

The student will then receive a KNEC or KCSE Bridge Certificate that will allow them to apply for a medical course. Since there are no KMTC bridging courses, the institution instead offers upgrading courses. KMTC designed the courses to target students that have pursued a certificate programme at the institution and want to upgrade to a diploma.

If a student who has a Certificate in Community Health Nursing can upgrade to a Diploma in Community Health Nursing at KMTC, allowing them to get registration at the Nursing Council of Kenya.

Bridging Certificate Course Requirements

  • A clear image(not more than 2MB) of each of following documents is required:-
  • Personal passport size photo
  • National ID/Birth Certificate
  • KCSE Certificate/Results Slip
  • Secondary School Leaving Certificate
  • Post Secondary School Certificate (Only for Higher Diploma applicants)
  • Non-refundable application fees of Ksh 1,000 paid through Mpesa

What are the bridging courses available in Kenyan colleges?

Bridging courses are available in five subjects (Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and English) at many higher education institutions in Kenya.

Students who wish to enroll in courses in the arts and sciences are eligible for these programs. Here are further specifics regarding the courses and application locations.

Bridging Certificate in Biology

Biology is one of the cluster subjects required to pursue a course in any medical field. It is also one of the most crucial bridging courses for Nursing in Kenya. You need a C- (minus) in Biology at KCSE to pursue a medical certificate programme.

You need a C- (minus) in Biology to apply for a Certificate in Community Health Nursing at KMTC.

But your overall grade must also be C- at KCSE. You can apply for a Certificate in Bridging Biology at: Chuka University Bridge College University of Kabianga University of Eldoret Nairobi Aviation College

You require a minimum mean grade of C- at KCSE and at least a D- in Biology to apply for the course. The study duration is six months.

Once you get the required points, you will be eligible to apply for a Certificate or Diploma course at the institution offering the course.

Bridging Certificate in Chemistry

To apply for a Pharmacy Diploma, Higher Diploma, or Degree, you must pass the KCSE Chemistry course. Applying requires a better GPA because it’s one of the most important bridging courses for pharmacy in Kenya.

For instance, you must have a mean KCSE grade of C (plain) as well as a C (plain) in Chemistry and other cluster topics in order to be eligible to enroll in the KMTC Diploma in Pharmacy program.

Luckily, students who scored a D (plain) in Chemistry at KCSE can bridge the subject at various institutions, including:

University of Kabianga Bridge College Karatina University Chuka University Nairobi Aviation College The study duration to bridge Chemistry at any college is between two and six months. Most colleges will allow you to study for the course full-time or part-time.

Bridging Certificate in English

Even if you received the minimum KCSE mark, you cannot enroll in any university, college, or technical school in Kenya until you have successfully completed your English coursework. In practically all higher education institutions, English is the predominant language of instruction.

Only if you succeed in Kiswahili will you be fortunate, as higher education institutes replace it with English. You must have at least a C- (minus) in English to be eligible to apply for any certificate program at KMTC.

Also, KMTC requires you to have a minimum grade of C (plain) in English to qualify for any of its Diploma courses.

Only some institutions offer English bridging programmes since most choose Mathematics and Sciences. However, you can apply at the University of Kabianga and Nairobi Aviation College.

Bridging Certificate in Mathematics

For the majority of courses at the higher education level, enrollment in mathematics is mandatory. That being said, there are two academic programs where a student does not need to pass mathematics: psychology and history.

Given its status as a medical college, KMTC is quite lax when it comes to the minimum grade a student must earn in mathematics at the KCSE.

In general, KCSE students must earn a minimum grade of D (simple) from all KMTC faculties in order to enroll in any Certificate program. However, in order to apply to a KMTC Diploma program, one must have a mean grade of C- (minus).

You can bridge Mathematics at many institutions in Kenya, including: The Eldoret National Polytechnic. University of Kabianga. Bridge College. Karatina University. Chuka University. University of Eldoret. Nairobi Aviation College.

You require a mean grade of C- (minus) at KCSE and at least a D- (minus) in Mathematics to enrol for a bridging course in Mathematics. The study duration is between three and six months.

Bridging Certificate in Physics

Physics is a science that gave rise to many modern medical procedures and technological advancements. For this reason, in order to apply to any medical study at KMTC, you must have this topic on your KCSE certificate.

Thus, in order to enroll in a Certificate program at KMTC, students must, like in Mathematics, have at least a D- (minus) in Physics; for a Diploma course, they must have a C (plain) or C- (minus) in Physics. Numerous universities, including University of Kabianga, offer physics bridge courses. College of Bridge. Chuka University; Karatina University. The duration of the study is three to six months.