These are the Technologies that will define our future and how we live. We may not be living on Mars or traveling to work using jet packs, but there’s no doubt that the future will bring many exciting technological advances.
Technology has consumed us and our lives in a manner that lives have become so dependent on it.In near future technology will be at another level since the innovation and the advancement in technology is continuous, in fact; increasing day by day.
This article illustrates the 20 key technology trends and how technology will change our lives in future.
1. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning
Artificial intelligence is known to be one of the most efficient approaches to technology. It is the intelligence which eliminates human efforts more and makes the machines applicable to perform daily life tasks with the algorithms of machine learning.
The future of this technology will be more exciting since the machines will be able to take the major decisions as well and since the memory and working of machine are more accurate than the human mind and the analysis machine would be more accurate. The machines will be able to take even business decisions in future due to their accuracy and critical analysis.
The increasing ability of machines to learn and act intelligently will absolutely transform our world. It is also the driving force behind many of the other trends on this list.
2. The Internet of Things (IoT).
This refers to the ever-growing number of “smart” devices and objects that are connected to the internet. Such devices are constantly gathering and transmitting data, further fueling the growth in Big Data and AI.
IoT makes virtually everything “smart,” by improving aspects of our life with the power of data collection, AI algorithm, and networks. The thing in IoT can also be a person with a diabetes monitor implant, an animal with tracking devices, etc
IoT solutions are widely used in numerous companies across industries. Some most common IoT applications are given here
3. Cybersecurity and resilience.
We live in a digital era which understands that our private information is more vulnerable than ever before. We all live in a world which is networked together, from internet banking to government infrastructure, where data is stored on computers and other devices.
A portion of that data can be sensitive information, whether that be intellectual property, financial data, personal information, or other types of data for which unauthorized access or exposure could have negative consequences.
As businesses face unprecedented new threats, the ability to avoid and mitigate cybersecurity threats will be critical to success over the next decade.
4. Robotic process automation.
This technology is used to automate structured and repetitive business processes, freeing up human workers to concentrate on more complex, value-adding work.
This is part of a wider shift towards automation that will impact every industry. Robotic Process Automation eliminates the need for human intervention for performing repetitive, less complex tasks.
UiPath elaborates on the features and benefits of using Robotic Process Automation techniques in businesses.
5. Blockchains and distributed ledgers.
This super-secure method of storing, authenticating, and protecting data could revolutionize many aspects of business – particularly when it comes to facilitating trusted transactions.
In the financial industry, blockchain can play a vital role by allowing the quicker settlement of trades as it does not need a lengthy process of verification, settlement, and clearance because a single version of agreed-upon data of the share ledger is available between all stack holders.
Here, are some reasons why Blockchain technology has become so popular.
6. Big Data and augmented analytics.
Big Data refers to the exponential growth in the amount of data being created in our world. Thanks to augmented analytics (highly advanced data analytics, often fueled by AI techniques), we can now make sense of and work with enormously complex and varied streams of data.
In the healthcare sector, data science is providing lots of benefits. Data science is being used for tumor detection, drug discovery, medical image analysis, virtual medical bots, etc.
7. Cloud and edge computing.
Cloud computing – where data is stored on other computers and accessed via the internet – has helped to open up data and analytics to the masses. Edge computing – where data is processed on smart devices (like phones) – will take this to the next level.
Cloud allows us to quickly and easily access store information anywhere, anytime in the whole world, using an internet connection. An internet cloud infrastructure increases organization productivity and efficiency by ensuring that our data is always accessible.
8. Wearables and augmented humans.
What started with fitness trackers has now exploded into a whole industry of wearable technology designed to improve human performance and help us live healthier, safer, more efficient lives. In the future, we may even see humans merge with technology to create “augmented humans” or “transhumans.”
9. Intelligent spaces and smart places.
Closely linked to the IoT, this trend is seeing physical spaces – like homes, offices, and even whole cities – becoming increasingly connected and smart.
10. Digitally extended realities.
Encompassing virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality, this trend highlights the move towards creating more immersive digital experiences.
11. Voice interfaces and chatbots.
Alexa, Siri, chatbots – many of us are now quite used to communicate with machines by simply speaking or typing our request. In the future, more and more businesses will choose to interact with their customers via voice interfaces and chatbots.
12. Robots and cobots.
Today’s robots are more intelligent than ever, learning to respond to their environment and perform tasks without human intervention. In certain industries, the future of work is likely to involve humans working seamlessly with robot colleagues – hence the term “cobot,” or “collaborative robot.”
13. Computer vision and facial recognition. Machines can talk, so why shouldn’t they “see” as well? This technology allows machines to visually interpret the world around them, with facial recognition being a prime example. Although we will no doubt see greater regulatory control over the use of facial recognition, this technology isn’t going anywhere.
14. Autonomous vehicles.
The 2020s will be the decade in which autonomous vehicles of all kinds – cars, taxis, trucks, and even ships – become truly autonomous and commercially viable.
15. Genomics and gene editing.
Advances in computing and analytics have driven incredible leaps in our understanding of the human genome. Now, we’re progressing to altering the genetic structure of living organisms (for example, “correcting” DNA mutations that can lead to cancer).
16. Machine co-creativity and augmented design.
Thanks to AI, machines can do many things – including creating artwork and designs. As a result, we can expect creative and design processes to shift towards greater collaboration with machines.
17. Digital platforms.
Facebook, Uber, and Airbnb are all household-name examples of digital platforms – networks that facilitate connections and exchanges between people. This trend is turning established business models on their head, leading many traditional businesses to transition to or incorporate a platform-based model.
18. Drones and unmanned aerial vehicles.
These aircraft, which are piloted either remotely or autonomously, have changed the face of military operations. But the impact doesn’t stop there – search and rescue missions, firefighting, law enforcement, and transportation will all be transformed by drone technology. Get ready for passenger drones (drone taxis), too!
19. Quantum computing.
Quantum computers – unimaginably fast computers capable of solving seemingly unsolvable problems – will make our current state-of-the-art technology look like something out of the Stone Age. As yet, work in quantum computing is largely restricted to labs, but we could see the first commercially available quantum computer this decade.
20. Nanotechnology and materials science.
Our increasing ability to understand materials and control matter on a tiny scale is giving rise to exciting new materials and products, such as bendable displays.
21. Mass personalization and micro-moments.
Mass-personalization is, as you might expect, the ability to offer highly personalized products or services on a mass scale. Meanwhile, the term “micro-moments” essentially means responding to customer needs at the exact right moment. Both are made possible by technologies like AI, Big Data, and analytics.
22. 3D and 4D printing and additive manufacturing.
Although this may seem low-tech compared to some of the other trends, 3D and 4D printing will have very wide applications – and will be particularly transformative when combined with trends like mass-personalization.
Last But Not Least
Technology can make a person efficient and dependent at the same time. Perhaps the accuracy and the quality we get with the help of technology is no comparison with the previous times.
For example traveling in present time is not so fancy while in the coming future the self-driving cars will take over the infancy and less efficient approach of traveling. This might sound fascinating, but researches are already approaching heights of the innovation. Traveling approach will be smart enough in future and will also be able to avoid traveling mishaps like accidents due to technological advancements.