Creating Users and Groups in Ubuntu

ubuntu Server Usermanagement creating Users

Introduction Ubuntu Linux uses groups to help you manage users, set permissions on those users, and even monitor how much time they are spending in front of the PC. . Normally Linux computers have two user accounts—your own user account, and the root account, which is the super user that can access everything on the … Read more

Learning Python By Example – Understanding the Basics

Python By Example Tutorial 1 The Basics

Learning Python By Example, Understanding the Basics First. Python is a very simple language which is widely used, and has a very straightforward syntax. It motivates programmers to program without boilerplate (prepared) code. The simplest directive in Python is the “print” directive – it simply prints out a line (and also includes a newline, unlike … Read more

8 Reasons why Python will still be popular in the future

python Future learnerscoach

Thеrе аrе a numbеr оf reasons why thе hugе рорulаritу аnd market ѕhаrе оf Pуthоn will remain intасt over a lоngеr period of timе. Reasons Why Python Will Still Be Popular in Future 1# Suрроrtѕ Multiрlе Prоgrаmming Paradigms Gооd developers оftеn tаkе аdvаntаgе of different рrоgrаmming paradigms tо reduce thе аmоunt оf timе аnd еffоrtѕ … Read more

Is It Worth It To Pursue a PHD In Computer Science

PHD in Computer Science

Is a PhD in Computer Science Worth It? A PhD in Computer Science offers the chance to become a leading researcher in a highly important field with potential for transformational research. Especially consider it if you want to enter computer science academia or do high-level research in industry and expect to be among the top … Read more

10 Key Differences Between Computer Science and Software Engineering

cs and se learnerscoach

Computer science and software engineering may share some overlapping commonalities, however, the principles behind each field of study can offer several differences. One is that computer science deals with the science behind the interaction between hardware and software systems and computational applications, whereas software engineering typically deals with the engineering principles of building, designing and … Read more

Which is the best option? Computer Science or Software Engineering

Compsci versus softengineering learners

Two of the common questions my students ask me most of the time are: “What’s the difference between Computer Science and Software Engineering degree?” and ” which option should I choose between the two” In this article, I’ll share my opinion and give you my own quick analysis on these degrees A quick glance of … Read more