Medical Statistics


Medical Statistics. A Guide to SPSS, Data Analysis and Critical Appraisal


In this book, we provide a step-by-step guide to the complete process of analyzing and reporting your data – from creating a file to entering your data to how to report your results for publication. We provide a guide to conducting and interpreting statistics in the context of how the participants were recruited, how the study was designed, the
types of variables used, and the interpretation of effect sizes and P values.

We also guide researchers, through the processes of selecting the correct statistic, and show how to report results for publication. Each chapter includes worked research examples with real data sets that can be downloaded and used by readers to work through the examples.

We have included the SPSS commands for methods of statistical analysis, commonly found in the health care literature.We have not included all of the tables from the SPSS output but only the most relevant SPSS output information that is to be interpreted.

We have also included the commands for obtaining graphs using SigmaPlot, a graphing software package that is frequently used. In this book, we use SPSS version 21 and SigmaPlot version 12.5, but the messages apply equally well to other versions and other statistical packages.


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