Best Marketable Courses For Grades D+ and Below

The fact that you did not get a grade to secure a spot in a university should not bother you. With a D-, you can still further your studies by enrolling in a TVET that offers Best Marketable Courses For Grades D+ and Below

With a D+, D, D- or E in KCSE, high school students now have many options in courses to take in the TVET and Technical Training colleges. Scoring an E, D, or D+ does not mean you have failed your KCSE. In fact, you can start with certificate courses and gradually move to the diploma and finally see yourself moving to a degree program in your area of study.

Best Marketable Courses For Grades D+ and Below

There are a number of good courses for D- in Kenya (as well as D and D+) for students who wish to pursue a course in electrical and electronics engineering, baking technology, building and civil engineering.

In this article, we have compiled an updated list of good courses you can do with a D+, D, D- or E in TVET and technical institutions in Kenya. Artisan certificate courses are basic level courses that can be done by primary school leavers or students with E or D- grades. This level of courses produces skilled workers in specific trades (artisans).

Courses You Can Do with a D- and E Grades

Artisan courses are open to all students with at least a KCPE certificate a KCSE certificate with any grade. The courses include:

  1. Artisan in electrical installation
  2. Certificate in electrical and electronics engineering (power option)
  3. Certificate in electrical and electronics engineering (telecommunication option) modular
  4. Artisan in baking technology
  5. Artisan in masonry
  6. Artisan in Plumbing
  7. Artisan in Motor
  8. Vehicle Mechanics
  9. Artisan in Information Communication Technology
  10. Artisan in Carpentry and Joinery

Courses You Can Do with a D+ Grade

A Certificate in Accounting and Management Skills (CAMS) is among the KASNEB courses offered for D+ students. Although previously there were D+ diploma courses in Kenya, many institutions are now offering advanced certificate and certificate courses as indicated below.

  1. Advanced certificate in supplies management
  2. Advanced certificate in business administration
  3. Certificate in business information technology
  4. Advanced Certificate in computer technology
  5. Advanced Certificate in computer hardware and network support
  6. Advanced certificate in software development
  7. Certificate in computer engineering
  8. Certificate in computer technology
  9. Certificate in system technical support
  10. Advanced Certificate in information technology
  11. Certificate in information technology
  12. Certificate in civil engineering
  13. Certificate in fire engineering
  14. Certificate in electrical installation technician
  15. Certificate in applied electronics
  16. Certificate in computer servicing and maintenance (CSM) technician
  17. Certificate in technology options (airframes and engines, avionics, and helicopters maintenance)
  18. Certificate in architectural draughtsmanship
  19. Certificate in science laboratory technology
  20. Certificate in food technology
  21. Certificate in environmental studies
  22. Certificate in nutrition and dietetics
  23. Certificate in health records and information technology
  24. Certificate in library studies
  25. Certificate in archives and records management
  26. Certificate in counselling psychology
  27. Certificate in disaster management

Courses You Can Do with a D Plain Grade

D plain students can sit for KNEC certificate courses. They include:

  1. Certificate in human resource management
  2. Certificate in social work and community development
  3. Certificate in business management
  4. Certificate in sales and marketing.
  5. Certificate in electrical and electronics engineering (power option)
  6. Certificate in electrical and electronics engineering (telecommunication option) modular
  7. Certificate in food and beverage
  8. Certificate in baking technology
  9. Certificate in information technology (modular)
  10. Certificate in human resource management (modular)
  11. Certificate in supply chain management (modular)
  12. Certificate in business management (modular)
  13. Certificate in building technology
  14. Certificate in plumbing
  15. Certificate in carpentry and joinery
  16. Certificate in science laboratory technology


A KCSE grade should never be a hindrance to being successful in modern times. If you find the right course and put your passion into it, you will find it easy to attain contentment in fulfilling your dreams.

If you choose to register through KUCCPS, some courses may require you to have a minimum grade of D+ in KCSE. You can apply for the same courses directly in KNEC accredited institutions with a minimum of D plain in KCSE.