Computer applications

Computer Essentials - Beginners Level Tutorial


The computer essentials course is designed to equip learners with essential computer skills that are required in the job market. This course has been tailored to match the required industry standards that ensures the learners are equipped with core competencies in the main area of ICT.
This is a beginners level course and does not have prerequisites. It is practice based and learners will be equipped with relevant computer skills that will be relevant in further education, day to day use and also form a foundation for those intending to undertake ICT as a career.

As computers find their way into more and more products and services, people who study Computers and Technology are finding that they are in demand in every industry.

That’s why studying Computers and Technology is a great choice, no matter what industry you’re interested in. Whether you want to develop software that powers successful businesses, design a hot new mobile phone app, or create digital effects for blockbuster films, specialized computing skills will be indispensable.

Even if you’re not sure what exactly you want to do with your life, a degree in Computers and Technology can position you to transition into lots of other fields. Law, finance, engineering, and even entertainment have serious demand for people with tech skills.

Benefits of this Course

The benefits of taking this course are many and regardless what a student wants to do with his/her education, he/she will likely find that many benefits come with their increased knowledge. Today, computers are used in more environments and for more functions than ever before, and their use is only expected to increase. Knowing the inner workings of a personal computer (PC) will definitely save the user time, and decrease his stress, when he is forced to interact with a computer at work, or in an informal setting. Knowing the many uses of computers and how to access them effectively is a valuable skill in today’s world.

Even if a person has no desire to explore the growing number of employment opportunities that are available to a skilled computer user, understanding the functions of a home computer can make life easier and more enjoyable. People with basic computer knowledge can store and catalog photographs and music, watch movies, play games, create art, interact with friends, manage their personal finances, and perform many other essential and inessential tasks using their home computer. The list of functions of the modern computer only grows with time and people without knowledge of the many things that they can do with a computer might be surprised at how easily all of this and more can be managed.

Increased computer skills may help people perform the job they already have faster and more efficiently, allowing them to get raises and promotions. They may even learn how to use a computer to search for another job, through online job postings. They can find ways to supplement their income doing basic computer tasks for other people and companies. Or they can find a way to perform some or all of the tasks of their present job from their home computer, saving the time and money involved in commuting. The possibilities are almost limitless and a person only needs to enroll in their first computer course to start learning what can be accomplished on a simple home PC.


Improve Employability

Today, almost all office jobs require the use of a computer in some function or another. Being able to create digital spreadsheets, create documents using a word processor, operate basic filing software, and present information using presentation software are becoming requirements in office environments. Even if they aren’t officially required, employees are expected to know how to use them, and applicants who are already familiar with these programs are more likely to get the job than people without that experience. Knowing how to use the Internet to send messages, and use search engines to find information of use to a business is usually required as well. All of these topics are covered in a basic computer class and even users who are slightly familiar with these tasks can learn ways to improve their efficiency with these abilities by attending a class.

With more classroom experience, potential employees will find themselves able to get more advanced positions. They can provide basic tech support to users of computers and other electronic devices, and set up simple computer networks for small businesses. Also, the position of word processor, and other entry-level information technology (IT) jobs become a possibility for those who have completed additional computer courses.
With more knowledge, a student has a chance to get certification to perform specific tasks on a computer in a business environment. These certifications are not always a requirement if a student can show their knowledge in other ways. They are helpful though, as they help an applicant stand out from other job seekers. With more forms of certification and experience, a job seeker will find himself in a more select list of candidates for a job and will have a good chance of being rewarded for his dedication with a well-paying position.

A student does not need to take advanced courses to attain greater employability. Knowledge of how to use a word processor can be applied to making a more visually impressive and effective resume for whatever position the applicant wants. Also, the Internet has many websites that are dedicated to helping people find jobs in all areas. These websites require basic Internet and email skills in order to be used. Even if a user’s career path doesn’t directly involve using a computer, he will find many possibilities are available to him if he is skilled enough to use these resources.

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Job Promotions

One of the benefits of gaining new computer skills is improving an employee’s potential to advance within the business. If a student knows that areas in his business’ tech department are out-of-date, he can direct his study to learn how to update his job’s machines. This is one way that after completing study, he can advance from his position to a more rewarding one. This is especially helpful for entry and low level employees hoping to advance within their company.

Depending on how technologically advanced a student’s workplace is, he can either try to advance to a position that is already exists, or recommend to an employer various steps he could take to make creating a new position a productive and cost-effective option. Since many smaller businesses aren’t advanced enough to have on-site tech support, a worker could try to help modernize his workplace. The time and money that the employer could save by having a more efficient computer system and not having to look to outside help to maintain his system could be significant.

A student who gains skill in creating and installing customized programs can also see advancement in the workplace. Businesses spend large amounts of money purchasing, upgrading, and licensing software for use on their company’s computers. If an employee is able to create and maintain software that is useful to the business, then the business can save large amounts of money and can advance that employee’s role to that of software administration and support. The employer would no longer need to research and purchase expensive software. Also, the software the business uses could be customized to meet the business’ specific needs, which would lead to greater productivity.

Employees who have been working for their company for a long amount of time, and are trusted by their employer, can use the knowledge they have gained in computer courses to take on network security position responsibilities. A person who has already shown his dedication to the business and has the knowledge of how to make the business safer is a very valuable employee to any business. The business would not need an unknown outside specialist to set up and update its security system if there is already a trained and trustworthy person to do that on staff. The new responsibilities this position requires are often reflected in the size of the paycheck an employee receives for his work.

Most employers who want to stay competitive with other businesses recognize the potential in expanding their information technology (IT) environment. Hiring new staff members is a difficult process for them, especially when they have to trust the new employees with valuable information and may not know the exact way to use technology. If a computer student lets his employer know the new skills he is learning and how those skills can be put to use, that employee has a good chance of being able to take on a more advanced position in the business as soon as his employer is ready to make changes to his computers.

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Increases in Wages and Benefits

What are the benefits of a computer course to a person who is already employed and doesn’t want to change careers? There are many. The most obvious is increased productivity. If an employee struggles with using a computer in his job, or is able to use one but struggles with his tasks, then the knowledge he gains in introductory computer courses can help him increase the amount of work he can get done, making him eligible for raises and advancement within the company. Sometimes if an employee has a certification from the courses he takes, he is automatically given a raise.

Even if an employee doesn’t spend the most of his day in front of a computer, and is capable of using a computer for its basic functions when necessary, there are many time and energy saving techniques that can be picked up in computer classes. Proper typing technique is one of the first topics discussed in an introductory computer course, and there are additional typing courses that students can take to improve their skills. Being able to type quickly and accurately without looking at a keyboard can take formerly tedious processes, such as sending email or filling out typed reports, and simplify them considerably.

Another time a computer course can be valuable to an employee is if there is ever a problem with a computer in the workplace. If there aren’t many skilled computer users on staff, the student can save time by doing basic troubleshooting on the company’s systems by himself, rather than having to call tech support or a supervisor. Taking actions such as these are appreciated by busy employers and are likely to be rewarded. An employee might even be able to have a second position doing minor tech support for other employees, which can result in getting a raise.

The increased skills of an employee who has attended computer classes can also be shown by perfecting a workplace’s network, or creating one if there isn’t one in operation. If any business has more than one computer, then time and energy can be saved by linking them together to share files and other forms of information. Also, if new software needs to be added to a computer, having it installed onto a server and then onto all the computers of a network at the same time saves a great deal of time and effort. The need to own and maintain only a small number of printers also helps a business by saving money and space in an office. If an employee helps to advance the technology of his workplace, a good manager could reward this behavior with raises and other incentives.

An employee whose computer skills have increased enough may be able to perform some parts of his work from the comfort of his own home. This may also get the employee a raise. Working from home saves both employees and employers time and money. People who work out of their home have been proven to be more satisfied with their jobs than employees performing similar tasks from an outside office.

Some of the things an employee can expect from taking computer courses are improved understanding of the machines and potentially, a salary. If the knowledge is applied to a business setting, it can only result in positive consequences for the worker, his employer, and the business as a whole. When an employer becomes aware of this, the worker will have an increased degree of job security and will likely see additional benefits as his skill becomes known and respected.

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